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Born in the Netherlands, Marnix Hoogendoorn grew up in a polder, far away from the turpitudes of modern society. His childhood paradise came to an end when he couldn't avoid «the adult world» any longer. He got lost, made wrong decisions and quickly felt the desire to leave everything behind. He started to travel the world.

When the money ran out he came back and isolated himself in a solitary introspection, where art seemed to be his only comfort. While literature and music provoked "emotional highs", he found his true « raison d'être » in painting.

Later, Marnix moved to Paris and led a busy family life, worked in a multinational during daytime and painted during the nights.  After a sabbatical year in 2019 - 2020 he devoted himself fully to painting.

Today, he lives with his wife and their three children in the French countryside on the edge of the forest.




* Nov 5th- 30th : Solo Exhibition: *

  Médiathèque Jean Moulin @ Margny-lès-Compiègne 

Balade Desinée with the FRAC - Baie de Somme

Festival des arts - Lamorlaye

Salon des Artistes Français - Paris

Salon de peinture et de sculpture - Plessis Bouchard

Salon d'Automne - Paris


Salon des Beaux Arts - Cormeilles en Parisis

Salon d'Automne - Compiègne

Salon d'Automne - Senlis

Le Salon des Beaux Arts - Paris 

Guest of honeur - Salon de printemps - Senlis


Solo Exhibition, Saint pierre les Minimes Compiègne 

Salon de Printemps - Senlis 

L'âme du paysage - Charenton-le-pont 

Salon d'Automne - Compiègne

Art en fête - Senlis


Guest of honeur, Salon d'Automne - Compiègne

Sélection International festival peinture en plein air - Normandie

Salon d'Automne - Paris


Artfair - Senlis
Salon d'Automne - Compiègne 

Sélection International festival peinture en plein air - Paris 

cancelled: Salon d'Automne - Paris


Salon d'Art international - Lacroix Saint Ouen 

Salon d'Automne - Paris

Salon d'Automne - Compiègne 

Biennale des Arts - Saint Quentin

Artfair - Senlis


Salon d'Automne - Compiègne 


Grant "professionnalisation & qualification" Region Hauts                                                                              de France

Bronze Medal, Salon des Beaux arts - Paris 2023

Grand prix Peinture, Salon des beaux arts - Cormeilles en Parisis 2023

Prix de peinture, Salon de printemps - Senlis 2022

Prix coup de Coeur, Salon d'Automne - Compiègne 2022  

Prix de la ville, Salon d'Automne - Compiègne 2020

Prix département de l'Oise, Salon d'Automne - Compiègne 2019

Prix du Public, Salon d'Automne - Compiègne 2018

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